¿Cómo ovillar la lana con la mano? – How to wind yarn into a ball by hand?

Hola a todos! Hoy vuelvo con un tutorial que encontré que me encantó! Capaz que ya estás totalmente mecanizada y tenés el ovillador de lana, entonces pensás, ¿esta chica está loca? ¿Siglo XXI y ovilla a mano? O tal vez sos como yo, que tenés ese aparato en tu casa, pero te resulta mucho más complicado sacarlo, armarlo, ovillar, guardar, que hacerlo directamente con las manos. Y después, te reprochas no haberlo hecho, porque mientras tejes la lana da vueltas por todos lados. Y mejor ni hablemos si a esto le sumamos un bebé, que va atrás del ovillo intentando agarrarlo todo el tiempo! Imposible tejer!! Bueno, ahora entenderás por qué me llamó tanto la atención este tutorial, con las fotos te das una idea, pero por las dudas, las explicaciones están escritas abajo. Espero que te resulte útil! Yo ya lo voy a poner en practica la próxima vez que teja!

1) Ata un nudo corredizo al final de tu lana

2) Aprieta ese nudo en la aguja, y llevalo hacia abajo.

3) Mantén la lana apretada contra la aguja con tu pulgar, y enrolla la lana varias veces alrededor de la aguja como lo muestra la cuarta fotografía.

4) Continua enrollando sobre ese pequeño ovillito de lana, haciendo un cruce tipo zig zag de vez en cuando como harías si lo hicieras a mano.

5) Continua con este movimiento, tal como si lo hicieras a mano, con la diferencia que tienes una aguja en el medio. Cuando llegues al final, mete la lana dentro del ovillo, bajo algunas hebras, como para asegurarlo.

6) Desliza lentamente el ovillo fuera de la aguja, ten cuidado de continuar manteniendo con el pulgar la otra punta de la lana

7) Ya terminaste! La punta que tiene el nudo corredizo es ahora el comienzo de tu siguiente proyecto, y la lana saldrá del centro del ovillo fácilmente!

Hi, everyone! I come back today with a tutorial I loved! Maybe you are already mechanized and have a yarn swift or ball winder, then you might think is this lady crazy? 21st century and she winds ball by hand? Or maybe you are just like me, you own both but you find it so complicated to pull them out of the closet, put them together, work with them, then put them away again, that you just prefer doing it by hand. And when you are knitting, you reproach yourself for not using them because the ball of yarn is dancing around everywhere. And not to mention a baby going after it all the time! It´s impossible to knit! Well, now you understand why this tutorial caught up my attention. And even though you may figure it out just looking at the pictures, here are a few explanations. I really hope you find it useful! I will try it next time I start knitting! 

1) Tie a slip knot in the end of your yarn.

2) Tighten this slip knot on your winding tool. I like to pull this slip knot tight in the hook of the crochet hook, or high up toward the end of the knitting needle, to keep it out of the way.

3) Hold your yarn against the winding tool with your thumb, and wrap it around the winding tool several times near the end as shown.

4) Continue to wrap yarn around these first clump of wound yarn, criss-crossing as you work from time to time as shown. This should feel just like winding a regular wrapped ball of yarn, only this ball of yarn has a winding tool poking out of it.

5) Continue in this fashion until all your yarn is wrapped, then tuck the end into the ball under a few strands to secure it.

6) Still holding that first bit of yarn between your thumb and the winding tool, gently ease the tool out of the ball.

7) All done! The end with the slip knot in it will now be the start of your next project, and yarn will pull from the center of the ball with ease


6 pensamientos en “¿Cómo ovillar la lana con la mano? – How to wind yarn into a ball by hand?

  1. Thank you very much for this again useful tutorial, The bootie mission has been succesful after all, last night completed, so glad they look alike the picture now, It is due to all the pictures you took and my stubborn way of struggling.
    Kind regards, Gerrie.

    • So glad to hear it! I really need to see a picture now… who is going to be the lucky baby that will get to wear them? What color did you make them? I did use this tutorial last night and it is soooo great! I totally recommend it! Hope to see a picture soon!! Bernardita

  2. nunca es tarde para aprender algo nuevo y muy novedoso!buenisimo!

  3. Having read the tutorial again, is it your own invention? This morning the ladies agreed with me, that two tassels on chain is quite a different matter from only one tassel, but it is attached very solidly now thanks to you. Kind regards Gerrie.

    • Hello, gerrie! Yes, it is! My mom taught me what she knew, and from there on, I kindda try to figure things out… some things work better than others… Try to see stuff and figure out how they were done, look in internet, invent a little bit… Mine resists my 10 months old baby… and he loves playing with the tassels, he just pulls them, and tries to get them to his mouth… and they still are really attached!! Kind regards, Bernardita

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